News & Events
Request for Public Records:
Please see the Forms tab (Misc. section) for the Public Records Request Form. Questions and requests may be sent to [email protected]. You may also call the Board office at 602-364-1739 for information.
The Board's Investigative Committee (IC) has an opening for a public member. The IC plays a vital role in the Board's mission to protect the public and the animals of our state. The IC's primary role is to conduct a review of a complaint case and make a recommendation to the Board regarding whether a violation of the statutes or administrative rules has occurred. Prior to a meeting, the IC members review case file materials on their own, then typically interview the complainant, veterinarian, and witnesses they wish to hear from.
The IC meets once per month, typically on the 1st or 2nd Tuesday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. at 1740 W. Adams Street in Phoenix. The time committment also requires several hours or multiple days of preparation time prior to a meeting to review case file materials.
If you are interested in applying, please see the Investigative Committee Volunteer Candidate Information form on the Board's website Forms page.
Governor Hobbs signs telemedicine bill (Senate Bill 1053) -- Effective October 30, 2023:
On May 8, 2023, Governor Hobbs signed SB1053, which allows a VCPR to be established by electronic means in many circumstances and if certain requirements are met. This does not apply to animals used in commercial food production.
Other new laws effective October 31, 2023 (56th Legislature - First Regular Session):
Senate Bill 1194 created a "certified rabies vaccinator" designation for individuals appointed and trained by an AZ-licensed veterinarian to administer rabies vaccines in shelter or animal rescue organization if a licensed veterinarian is not available -- but only if the facility is located in a county with a population of less than 400,000 or a census county division with less than 50,000 persons in a county with a population of 400,000 or more. Note that this bill created additions to the AZ Veterinary Practice Act as well as laws within Arizona Revised Statutes Title 11 and requires the State Veterinarian to create related administrative rules regarding the "certified rabies vaccinator."
Senate Bill 1401 amended the AZ Veterinary Medical Practice Act and the laws pertaining to licensed acupuncturists, allowing the Arizona Acupuncture Board of Examiners to certify individuals who meet certain criteria to treat animals. Note that the individual must have received a referral from a licensed veterinarian who has diagnosed the animal. See the revised AZ Veterinary Practice Act and Senate Bill 1401.
House Bill 2045 classifies xylazine as a "dangerous drug," but exempts licensed veterinarians who lawfully acquire, use, prescribe, dispense, or administer any dangerous drug in their professional practice, in good faith, and accordance with generally accepted medical standards.
Senate Bill 1068 added language to the AZ Veterinary Medical Practice Act related to allowing emergency medical care technicians and physicians providing direction to EMTs to provide emergency treatment for police dogs injured in the line of duty.
For the full text of the revised Arizona Veterinary Practice Act (statutes), please see the Statutes and Rules page.
Scam Alert - Licensing Boards and DEA Being Spoofed
Some state boards (not AZ) are reporting that licensees are receiving phone calls from people claiming to be staff from the licensing board or law enforcement in an attempt to obtain sensitive license or personal information. The callers will often falsely claim that the licensee is under investigation or that their license is in danger of being suspended. The phone number that appears on the caller ID can sometimes appear authentic. This is a common fraud technique known as spoofing. If you are a licensee or certificate holder that receives a suspicious phone call, please do not share any sensitive information over the phone! Scammers appear to be impersonating DEA agents as well:
December 2019: FDA warnings about CBD. See FDA press release here.
On February 14, 2019, Governor Ducey signed HB 2075, a bill which in part, removed the Board of Pharmacy's waiver process for electronic prescribing. The new law states that a veterinarian is not required to comply with the electronic prescribing requirements noted in A.R.S. 36-2525(D) and (N) until the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board determines that electronic prescribing software is widely available for veterinarians and notifies the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy of that determination. The Board reviews this item annually.
2018 Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act - Added Requirements for Veterinarians as of April 26, 2018!
See information under the "Statutes & Rules" tab above.
For DEA questions, please contact the DEA Phoenix Diversion Group at (571) 362-0600.
PLEASE SEE THE ABOVE "FORMS" TAB - PREMISES section - to view a list of DEA registered Reverse Distributors!
The Arizona Administrative Code R3-2-402 requires that veterinarians report animal cases of leptospirosis to the Arizona Department of Agriculture's Office of the State Veterinarian by the end of each month at the latest.
Veterinarians can report animal cases of leptospirosis by submitting a fax to 602-542-4290 or by e-mail at [email protected].
In 2017, the Board entered into an agreement with the plaintiffs in a lawsuit. The Judgment by Consent regarding animal massage can be viewed here.