License Renewal
All licenses and certificates in Active, Probation, or Suspension status have expiration dates of 12/31/2024 and lapsed on 2/1/25 unless they were renewed online with a penalty fee by 2/28/25.
If your license or certificate has lapsed, and you wish to reinstate, please contact [email protected].
We suggest that you verify that any Continuing Education you intend to take to earn credit toward license/certificate renewal is "Board-approved" per the Administrative Rules. Click on the Continuing Education page for more information. At all times (not just during COVID-19 related issues) ALL CE may be obtained online as long as it is interactive and is offered by one of the approved sources (i.e. RACE, AzVMA, SAVMA, AAHA, AAVSB, a veterinary college, a veterinary technician program (for CVTs only) or specifically approved by the Arizona Veterinary Medical Examining Board).
(NOTE! A law which became effective 4/26/18 requires a veterinarian who is authorized to dispense controlled substances AND who has a valid U.S. DEA registration number to complete a minimum of 3 hours of opioid-related, substance use disorder-related or addiction-related CE for each license renewal cycle.
If your license or certificate lapsed as of 12/31/2022 or 12/31/2024 and you wish to determine if you are eligible to reinstate, please contact Board staff at [email protected] or 602-542-8166. To determine the status of your license or certificate, go to the licensee directory.
*If you reinstatement application contains information that must be reviewed by the Board, the reinstatement cannot occur until the Board approves the reinstatement. The Board meets once per month; therefore the reinstatement process may take several weeks. Please plan accordingly.