Veterinarians - Pathways to Licensure
Important!: Although the review time is usually much faster, per AZ Administrative Rules, the Board has 15 days from the day of receipt in which to inform you whether your application is complete. As well, please allow 1-2 weeks for Board staff to grade State exams.
Regular License:
Applicant is a graduate from a college of veterinary medicine accredited by the AVMA or holds a certificate issued by the ECFVG or PAVE and has taken the NAVLE within the past 5 years. Passing the State Veterinary Exam is required. Application fee: $400. License issuance fee: $100 (even-numbered year) or $200 (odd-numbered year).
Applicant is a graduate from a college of veterinary medicine accredited by the AVMA or holds a certificate issued by the ECFVG or PAVE, has not taken the NAVLE within the past 5 years, is currently licensed as a veterinarian in another state and has been actively working in veterinary medicine for at least three of the preceding five years or six of the preceding ten years. Passing the State Veterinary Exam is required. Application/License issuance fee: $750
Applicant can show proof of Arizona residency (by submitting 1 of 5 accepted documents, e.g. AZ driver's license); must be currently licensed in good standing for at least one year in another U.S. state; have no open complaints in any state where licensed; and has never had a license revoked or suspended. See application for complete requirements. Application fee: $400. License issuance fee: $100 (even-numbered year) or $200 (odd-numbered year).
The benefit of this pathway is that it requires less documentation and the total fees are less than Licensure by Endorsement. Passing the State Veterinary Exam is required.
Specialty License:
Applicant is a graduate from a college of veterinary medicine accredited by the AVMA or holds a certificate issued by the ECFVG or PAVE AND holds a current certification as a specialist of a national specialty board or college recognized by the AVMA. Passing the NAVLE is not required. The applicant’s practice will be limited to the scope of the applicant’s board certification. Passing the State Veterinary Exam is required.
STATE EMPLOYEE LICENSE: Applicant is a State of Arizona employee who serves as a veterinarian for a State of Arizona govenment agency. License expires upon employment termination. Does not require passing the State Veterinary Exam.
VETERINARY FACULTY MEMBER LICENSE: Applicant is employed by a veterinary college in Arizona. Practice limited to the licensee's official academic responsibilities. Does not require passing the State Veterinary Exam. License expires upon employment termination.
ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY & SPOUSES RELOCATING TO ARIZONA DUE TO MILITARY ORDERS: Per U.S. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), allows servicemembers and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates in certain circumstances when they must relocate due to military orders. Must have actively used the license in good standing for the preceding 2 years. Initial licensing fees are waived.
To apply to take the NAVLE and for further requirements and instructions, please visit Arizona does NOT qualify applicants to sit for the NAVLE; some state boards do qualify applicants to sit for the exam, but Arizona does not.
Important!: Although the review time is usually much faster, per AZ Administrative Rules, the Board has 15 days in which to inform you whether your application is complete.
*If you need to overnight your application, we recommend using UPS or FedEx, etc. rather than USPS. "Overnight" USPS mail gets to us a day late.
OPTIONAL FEE WAIVER FOR LOW INCOME APPLICANTS: Per A.R.S. 41-1080.01, an applicant applying for an initial license whose family income does not exceed two hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines may be eligible for a fee waiver. If you believe that you qualify for the waiver, please contact the Board office at 602-542-8166 to request the Application for Waiver of Initial Licensing Fees. You MUST have the application sent to you by our Board staff and it MUST be submitted WITH your application.
Licensure and Certification by Universal Recognition
On August 27, 2019 the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board began to accept applications for licensure and CVT certification by the pathway of Universal Recognition. Applications are posted in the document sections below.
The Universal Recognition policy allows Arizona residents to use an out-of-state professional or occupational license to qualify for an Arizona license to work. To qualify, an applicant must:
-Prove residency in Arizona.
-Be currently licensed or certified for at least one year in another U.S. state in the discipline applied for and at the same level of practice as recognized in Arizona.
-Be in good standing in all states where currently or previously licensed or certified and have no open investigations.
-Have met all applicable education, work, exam, and/or clinical supervision requirements in the other state where originally licensed or certified.
-Take and pass the Arizona State exam (veterinary or CVT).
-Pay all applicable fees to the Arizona Veterinary Medical Examining Board (Veterinarian: $400 application fee; $200 issuance fee (odd-numbered year) or $100 (even-numbered year. CVT: $150 application fee; $50 issuance fee (odd-numbered year) or $25 (even-numbered year)
NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that are demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to Sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with Section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 32-4302, Arizona Revised Statutes, a person shall be granted an occupational or professional license or certificate if the person has been licensed or certified in another state for at least twelve months, the license or certificate is in the same discipline and at the same practice level as the license or certificate for which the person is applying in this state and the person meets other conditions prescribed by Section 32-4302, Arizona Revised Statutes.